Page 21 - Equilibri in gioco
P. 21


      We presented a new tool to the children and we asked them what it is

      Alessandro: it’s a skateboard
      Sofia J.: a skateboard for playing

      We tried it…

      Alessandro: to me it wasn’t so easy, I was about to fall like with the bikes

      Edoardo F.: to me it was easy, I was doing little steps with the skateboard, I fell only once
      Sofia J.: I was falling because the “skatebad” was too slippery

      Teacher: how could you push yourselves forward?
      Alessandro: to go fast you need to go on cement. To go forward I was using my feet I was doing

      this way (he moves the feet back and forward) it means going fast

      Sofia J.: I was going with just one foot
      Edoardo F.: I was going forward when I was pushing with one foot

      Teacher: were you afraid to fall?

      Alessandro: I wasn’t
      Sofia J.: I was, it was slippery

      Ethan: yes
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