Page 25 - Equilibri in gioco
P. 25


      In the school garden we mounted a slackline and proposed it to children,

      without explaining it again. Every child used his creativity to explore

      different ways to use it.

     Matilde: it’s a long rope

     Alessandro: that one is attached to trees. There is a glass thing in the middle of the line

     Micole: it’s dangerous, you fall

     Irene: that one is for going on it standing up

     Matilde: you can’t stand up because you fall, you can’t stand up

     Leonardo: to go standing up you put one foot on it, another one on it and then you become taller

     like the trees

     Michelle: it is for going this (she climbs over with a foot)

     Edoardo F.: it is for walking on it with two feet and then you jump
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