Page 19 - Equilibri in gioco
P. 19

Edoardo P.: you need the pedals, because without them
                                                                    we fall down

                                                                    Francesco: this way you fall, with the pedals you don’t

                                                                    Teacher: you fall with these bikes?

                                                                    Francesco: yes I was falling

                                                                    Edoardo P.: the bike was falling, I could avoid falling down

                                                                    Teacher: but is it easy?

                                                                    Edoardo P.: it’s hard

                                                                    Francesco: because without the pedals there is only the
                                                                    seat and the wheels that make us keep up

                                                                    Sofia F.: it’s a bit hard because without the pedals

                                                                    Francesco: with my bike it’s easy because there are pedals

                                                                    Teacher: try to go very fast. How can you do that?

                                                                    Francesco: I need to turn the wheels

                                                                    Sofia F.: make the feet fast, then big push with your feet,
                                                                    then take your feet up, and then you brake

                                                                    Edoardo P.: I was running with the bike
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