Page 9 - Percorsi e labirinti
P. 9

VIOLA: But you can get lost.

        FEDERICO: It's a game where you need to find the correct road to get home.
        ERICA: Or to find something beautiful.

        FILIPPO: It's a place where there are many roads.

        THOMAS T: It's a thing where you have to get in and get out and you should not get lost.

        MARTINA A: They can be made of wall.
        SAMUELE: Also with leaves and bushes.

        CLARA: And hedges.

        MATTEO: And of rocks.

        LUCA: Labyrinths I can make them with roads that go on straight, backwards, forward, zig-zag.
        ALICE: In order not to get lost you need to pay attention.

        ALESSIO: The labyrinth needs to have an entrance and an exit.

        SIMONE: In order not to get lost I look for footprints.

        LORENZO: I take little rocks.

        FEDERICO: If I make arrows with branches, I don't get lost.

        The idea that came up FROM THE CONVERSATION is that:

        Labyrinths are games with curvy roads where it is hard to orientate, and

        they are made of wall, soil, hedges or drawings. They have an entrance

        and an exit.
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