Page 39 - Percorsi e labirinti
P. 39

THOMAS T.: I saw the labyrinth and I though that it was exactly as I imagined it, it had

        high hedges, I thought you could not see anything but actually you could see the curves

        of the labyrinth. I was not very frightened because, even if the hedges were high, they

        were so clear that you could see the other side.

        ILARIA: When I saw the labyrinth I thought that it was a bit difficult and you could get lost

        with all those roads and high hedges. I was afraid to get lost and not to be able to find di

        exit. we used the thread and we got out... The thread was very long, it could go through all

        the roads.

        DAVIDE: The labyrinth was very hard because it was all zig-zag, straight with high hedges,

        and I couldn't see. We used the thread and we could arrive out of it, but to get to the

        center we had to use maps, we asked them to the people of the labyrinth with the phone.
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