Page 37 - Percorsi e labirinti
P. 37

ENRICO: The labyrinth wasn't frightening me because we were all together. I imagined it

        larger and with walls. Even if there were high hedges I could go behind and see.

        MATTEO: When I saw the labyrinth I thought that it was easy but when I saw it from above

        it was very difficult with many roads. Inside I followed the thread, that's why it was easy.

        LUCA: I saw the pictures and my friends told me... it was wonderful.

        ALICE: For me the labyrinth was beautiful and very long to walk. It was very big so you

        could get lost... I didn't get lost because I was behind and I was walking with my

        DANIELE: In the pictures I saw the labyrinth because I was not there, and it is very big and

        made of hedges... maybe I'll go with my mum.

        VALENTINA: The labyrinth... I imagined it large, when we used the thread I didn't thought
        there were so many walls, I didn't thought it was made of hedges but of wall... it was very

        beautiful and I was not afraid with all my friends.

        LORENZO: I thought the labyrinth was easy, but it was difficult because the hedges were

        very high, you could not see so you might get lost... we followed the thread and it was easy.

        MATTIA M: The labyrinth was with high hedges and with many blocks (hedges blocking the
        way). It was hard... I was a bit afraid to get lost, with Ariadne's thread it was easy.

        TOBIA: When I saw the labyrinth I thought it was hard because it seemed so huge. I followed
        the path with the thread and we didn't get lost. It was very big, I imagined it smaller.
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