Page 7 - Caccia al tesoro
P. 7


      ▪ The hunting was done in small groups of children. The groups were

          formed according to the area that children wanted to explore.

          At the beginning of the game, there were some children who took the initiative to

          explore, and some children who observed, and waited to take a decision.

          We noticed that children were really committed to collaborate through verbal

          exchanges of information. For example: "It's not here!", "Neither here", "Where is it?"

          "Spotty where are you?"
          We noticed also strong emotions: each of them wanted to be the first one to find it.

      ▪ The game, that was repeated many times, showed a progressively deeper hunting.

          Usually they went back to the place where they had found it in the previous round, and

          when they didn't find it there, they were not disappointed, but willing to continue their

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