Page 58 - Biciclettiamo
P. 58


         MARTINA: I liked it when we went walking because I don’t like to go always by bike, I also like walking a bit

         MARTA: I liked to climb. At the beginning I was a bit afraid, but then I said: “I can do it” and I managed

         ELISA: I liked it when we went to the park and when we had a shower, when I’m home I take a bath.

         I also liked it when we arrived to Garda lake and we could see some glaciers

         GINEVRA: When we made the bike ride and when we went eating pizza

         LUCA: I liked it when Giuliano showered us in the fountain

         MATTEO: I liked to go in the wood. I also liked it when I learnt in the hotel to put the chain to the bike on my own. I

         liked to eat the sandwich at Placche del Baone, because that’s how they’re called. I wanted to make a much more
         difficult climb

         MATTIA: I liked to eat the sandwich and when we climbed because we ate immediately… and when we made the

         pyjamas parade

         SOFIA D: I liked to eat the ice-cream

         SOFIA B: When we made jokes to out parents, we took a video, and when we were sleeping; and then when we
         almost climbed, we first walked and then we climbed, because my mum likes walking and I like it a bit too

         SAMUELE: I liked it when we climbed that mountain, I also liked to sleep and also when we climbed that mountain
         where we took the picture

         TIFFANY: I liked to sleep because I was lying next to Marta
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